Wednesday, August 08, 2007


So my little description of myself says I am an avid reader of non-fiction. Yes, once perhaps. But now, notsomuch.

In the last few weeks, I have read the following books (with helpful links to amazon should you want to buy the book...I get mine at the library):
Babyproofing Your Marriage - Basically, this tells you to give your husband a certain thing that rhymes with snow blob so that he will help out around the house. I went through exhaustive testing of this, and it is true. Men who get more snow blobs give more dishwasher unloading. It also tells you that you are not crazy, it really is hard and you will most likely survive and flourish if you can just hold on a couple more years. I really needed to hear that. If I was reviewing this on amazon, I'd be using a fake name because it's a little embarassing 3.5 stars.
Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination - This is by the lady who wrote Bridget Jones. I'd never read that but I figure it would be like career girl has bad job, makes life change, thinks she wants one guy but gets another. And it was, but it was a whole lot more fun than that. I truly enjoyed this book. And Carly, read the book. It made me think of you traipsing all over the world. If I was reviewing on amazon, I'd give it 5 stars *****.
The Undomestic Goddess - By Sophie Kinsella who wrote the entire Shopaholic series of books which are fun and soapy and frothy and not serious but a good read and fun. This book is also a good read and fun. The career girl has a bad job, makes a like change, thinks she wants one guy but gets another. Enjoyed it. Frothy and soapy and not serious but fun. Amazon review 4 stars ****.
Cause Celeb - Also by Helen Fielding of Bridget Jones and Olivia Joules fame. It was OK. I read it through in two days, but not nearly as good as Olivia Joules. This is her first novel (before Bridget even); I guess she got better with time. Did not enjoy this as much - no, not at all. It's about starving children in Africa and that's sort of a downer. If I was reviewing on amazon, I'd give it *** 3 stars.

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