Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It really is the little things

For "lunch" today I packed the following (I say "lunch" because it is the food I bring to work with me and eat all day long):
  • Brownberry Dark Dark German bread with a piece of Colby Jack cheese
  • A pear
  • A plum
  • A baggie of Bugles
  • A granola bar with a lot of nuts
  • some cherries

The pear had gotten bumped and bruised and tasted like it had begun to ferment, so I tossed it out after a few bites. The first plum I put in my lunch today had a big mold spot on it, so I relegated it to the compost bin this morning and replaced it with another one that upon eating, tasted and smelled like the husk of corn on the cob. So, just, ewwww. And now, I am hungry.

This actually is a fairly typical lunch for me. Three pieces of fruit, a treat, and a sandwich. Very typical for me.

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