Monday, February 05, 2007

I knew I was in trouble when

No...I didn't get another speeding ticket. Mr. Long-Suffering looked at me during naptime and said, "We need to talk." It seems he no longer wishes to move and has said he is not moving, so I helpfully suggested we take the house off the market. He didn't find that funny. I wasn't trying to be funny.

So, we have decided that if the house doesn't sell by the 15th, we're taking it off the market, I am quitting my job and coming home (to do what, I have no idea). And if the house does sell, we are moving against his strong protestations. So, that's where we are. He doesn't want to move no-matter-what, but he'll go if the house sells in teh next 10 days. I have no idea if I even want the house to sell now since I don't want to drag my husband kicking and screaming across state lines. Ack.

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