Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Some Stuff

I know I mentioned Julia had her babies. But it bears repeating: Julia had her babies.

I don't want to tell you how great our sleep was last night because I don't want to jinx it.

But tonight, we have fever. Wee one is a nice 101.1 deg-F but he took the grape-flavored children's advil chewables like a champ. I'm sporting something in the 98-range, which for me is a veritable fire of burning up (I'm a 96-97 girl so high 98s is like 100 for regular people). The husband is coughing and snotting and swearing up and down he's 102 if he's a degree, but the thermometer tells me he is 98.7 deg-F. So, men. They're not good when they're sick.

We have already scheduled Grandma and Grandpa for Chuckles tomorrow. This was pre-arranged but works out nicely since with 100+, he's banned from day care (and they know since they were taking his temperature when I got there). I had suspected illness coming on, so no big surprise.

Chuckles is marginal at napping at day care these days and I think everyone on the internets knows how I put Chuckles down for a nap, so it will be interesting to see what happens with Grandma and Grandpa. I will stress the importance of nap since he is ill. Do you think they will take him for a little ride, get him to sleep without a ride, or let him skip nap? Post your thought in the comments and I will report back tomorrow. My hunch is he will be sick enough to lay down with Grandpa and they will both fall asleep in the chair (not that this has ever happened, but it will make for a nice "I-told-you-so" when they tell me I just do it wrong).

Did I mention that I played Guitar Hero on New Year's Eve? Well, I did. I played Mississippi Queen and I was notgood.

Further to that, did I mention that I highlighted my hair? I put little sexy streaks in my roots because with winter full-on, the hair was a little reverse skunk. I spent all glorious summer outside and then the last 4 months with no windows. The hair was not good. But now it's not bad. This blended the roots away. I did not color all over and I think it will grow out without showing.

Oh no, cough-cough-cry from upstairs again. yikes. Gotta go. Post your nap guess.

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