Thursday, March 29, 2007

It's Thursday

Mr. Long-Suffering went to the Nurse Practitioner on Monday. She swabbed his nose. He has influenza. The flu is a serious illness. People die from it and stuff. Chuckles and I had flu shots, but not Mr. Long-Suffering. The busband's NP wrote him a script for Tamiflu. She also wrote one for me and urged us to call our perdiatrician ASAP, which I did and whose nurse told me to monitor him for signs of illness (duh). So, I feel fine. Man has been off of work since last Thursday. He's upstairs in bed (the crappy new bed) right now moaning. I am finishing up the taxes and went to a weightlifting class today and took out the garbage and did four loads of laundry and made breakfast and so on. So, FLU SHOT = GOOD.

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