Sunday, March 18, 2007

What did we eat?

The impromptu dinner party for eight went smashingly well. We had:
  • Corned Beef (and hot dogs for some less-adventurous children)
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Mashed Yukon Gold and red potatoes
  • homemade Irish soda bread
  • Coffee (all Irished up with whiskey, kahlua, and whipped cream)
  • heart-shaped cake with a big green shamrock in the center and candy pieces sprinkled on it

Chuckles haad a great time playing in his tent and tunnel with his six-year old aunt. This morning, he keeps talking about where Grandpa sat and where his 13-year old uncle built a tower WITH BLOCKS and so on.

I had a bit too much Irish coffee and couldn't fall asleep or stay asleep then (dang caffeine), so when Chuckles rose for the day slightly before 7 am, I was less than enthused. And if Saturday feels like Tuesday, then Sunday feels an awful lot like Wednesday, so Happy Hump Day.

1 comment:

  1. Please go to the doctor. Don't think you're clinical yet, but if there's anyone's advice you should take on this matter, it's mine!!
